Requisition Module

Workflow Modules for MIP Fund Accounting®

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Maintain control of sending and tracking purchases throughout the entire requisition process! The Microix Requisition Module enables staff to create purchase requests and electronically submit them for approval - all captured and seamlessly transferred to MIP Fund Accounting®.

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The Microix Requisition Module enables accountants and non-accounting staff to create purchase requests from their desktop computer.

Administrators can enforce specific requirements to reduce errors and ensure that information is accurately provided to properly process a request. Once submitted and approved through a multi-level approval process, it is automatically converted to a purchase order and seamlessly transferred to MIP Fund Accounting™ Software as an un-posted encumbrance or A/P transaction.

Requisition Module Features

Budget Control

Allows users and approvers to have real-time budget control allowing them to see the latest financial data in MIP’s™ general ledger.

Purchase Order Entries

Users can easily enter and submit their own request by creating a new requisition document.You can submit or copy an existing requisition to assist in increasing accuracy and efficiency for frequently ordered items. 

Purchase Order to Invoice

Works hand-in-hand with MIP Fund Accounting™ allowing easy integration with existing data. The Requester submits a requisition, waits for approval and then places the order. The purchase order is matched with the vendor invoice and transferred to MIP Fund Accounting™ A/P Module.

System Alerts

Enforces policies by creating alerts! The system will send reminders when documents are not approved in a timely manner.

HTML Approval

Allows approval via a PC, Tablet or Smart Phone

Purchase Order to Encumbrance

The Requester submits a requisition, waits for approval and then places the order. The purchase order is encumbered in MIP Fund Accounting™ and later liquidated through the MIP Fund Accounting™ invoicing process.

Additional Features:


When approving documents, an alert can be triggered when users attempt to exceed their budget limit or the system can block users from submitting a document that exceeded their budget.

Receives instant answers to questions and maintain complete purchasing audit control with detailed information tracking

Utilizes approval substitution to avoid delays when the original approver is on vacation or out of the office

The Requisition Module works hand-in-hand with  MIP Fund Accounting™ allowing easy integration with existing data. 

Analyzes purchase activities by departments, users, vendors or items

Managers can approve, deny, modify, or return requisitions to the originator for corrections

“All documentation, approvals and payables processing was completely paperless with the help of the Microix product. With the help of the Microix software combined with the flexibility and efforts of the Microix developers we were able to provide hurricane victims and their families with immediate economic assistance. Through the use of federal funds we distributed over 17 million dollars to over 2000 families within 5 months.”

Doug Goodwin, Controller, United Way of Central Alabama

Microix's Vendor Punchout Catalog

Microix has made it easy to submit your order. You can use our vendor’s punchout sites while creating the PO inside of Microix to submit for approval.

Click below to view all of our Punchout Vendors.

View the Catalog

Let's Talk!

See how Microix can help you achieve your goals.

Schedule a live product tour of the Microix workflow solutions to gain more insight into how Microix can help you get the most out of your MIP Fund Accounting software implementation.


  • Budget Module
  • Requisition Module
  • Timesheet Module
  • Inventory Module Add-On
  • HTML Approval Add-On
  • Cloud Companion Web Application Add-On
  • Vendor Punchout Add-On


  • Time Clocks
  • Barcode Scanner

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Suwanee, GA 30024

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